Brief description
Organisations that are at least 10 times more successful than comparable companies pursue a massive transformative purpose and use certain organisational approaches and technologies (e.g. airbnb). Beyond the characteristics of such exponential organisations (ExO), participants learn how to transform and scale their own business model.
Participants learn about the model of exponential organisations through lectures and practical exercises in small groups. They will learn about the possibilities offered by exponential technologies and organisational transformation, what can be achieved and how innovation and disruption can be achieved simultaneously.
Formats: Open, in-house, presence, online.
Topics are:
1. The age of exponential organisations + exponential thinking exercise
2. ExO attributes and tools + ExO canvas exercise
3. ExO sprint methodology + ExO initiatives exercise
4. Exponential Business Models + design exercise
Target groups
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially minded employees in companies that want to use exponential features and technologies to their advantage and start their own transformation
Click here for our services … and an example of an ExO Sprint