Stabilizing CRM systems operations (DAX listed enterprise)

Establishing a control centre for monitoring and steering all sales and service applications from a business process perspective to achieve incident-free CRM systems operations in close collaboration with the involved business functions


The challenge

  • CRM system incidents every 5 days on average with operational impact on sales, customer services and marketing
  • existing IT service KPIs achieved
  • time to repair too long
  • insufficient communication on incidents towards other business functions and board members

The approach

  • creating IT employees’ understanding of the significance of IT stability through communication and by including IT stability in personal targets
  • changing operations monitoring from a systems view to a business process view
  • establishing a control centre for monitoring CRM systems operations plus regular communication towards business functions and board members
  • implementing means for early warning and detection of evolving incidents
  • joint IT capacity planning alongside expected volumes in cooperation with business functions
  • defining and implementing key performance indicators which measure the business impact of IT incidents on business operations, in close cooperation with the other business functions
  • systematically improving IT change, incident and problem management
  • integrating operations requirements into the design and development of the CRM applications

The result

  • reduction of business relevant incidents within 12 months to 20%, and 10% of the original volume within 24 months
  • control centre function established and implemented for all, not only the CRM IT applications
  • contribution of operational business functions to ensuring stabile CRM application operations established